Drought Monitor: Southern Alabama in Need of Rainfall

Jim Rogers Alabama, Drought, Weather

By Clint Thompson

Thursday’s release of the U.S. Drought Monitor showed dry conditions in some areas across the Southeast.

Need of Rainfall

South Alabama, in particular, is in need of rainfall. From Mobile County in the southwest corner of the state, to Houston County in the southeast, the entire region is dry. Most areas are abnormally dry, though Mobile and Baldwin counties in Southwest Alabama are moderately and severely dry.

Neil Kelly, Alabama regional Extension agent in southeast Alabama, discussed the current dry trend affecting his coverage area.

“It’s a little drier than what we like to see it, honestly. There were some places that got some spotted showers Saturday. They were actually pretty good showers, but they were very spotty. There was one part of southern Geneva County, central-southern Geneva County, that lucked up and got nearly two inches of rainfall. But overall, yes, we’re kind of on the dry side,” Kelly said.

“We’ve got this high pressure holding on top of us right now. As long as we have this high pressure sitting on top of us, you don’t really stand a chance for any kind of front to move through. You may get a pop-up thunder shower, but you’re not going to get any kind of front to move through and give you widespread rainfall over the area.”

Alabama specialty crop producers implement irrigation to keep the different crops watered. One benefit that growers are seeing with the dry weather impacting their fall crop is a lack of disease in vegetables.

“Our fruits and vegetables, we’re in between seasons. Everybody’s got pumpkins in the ground. They’re starting their fall crops, some of the leafy greens, things like that we’re just starting,” Kelly said. “Diseases have not been as prevalent. In dry weather, that’s one thing about it, you don’t have as much disease pressure.”