close up photo of green watermelons

North Florida Watermelon Plants Rebounding from Freeze

Jim Rogers Florida, Watermelon, Weather

By Clint Thompson The majority of North Florida’s watermelon plants have rebounded from the cold temperatures during the weekend of March 12. Damaged plants are beginning to show new growth and make a significant recovery in a week and a half since temperatures dropped below freezing. Growers who started planting earlier in mid-to-late February are seeing the biggest difference, says …

Freeze Impact: Watermelon Growers Still Determining Extent of Damage

Jim Rogers Florida, Watermelon, Weather

By Clint Thompson Thursday’s expected sunshine should help shine a light on the damage inflicted on North Florida’s watermelon plants from last weekend’s sub-freezing temperatures. How much acreage will need to be replanted is still a question for growers impacted by temperatures as low as 30 degrees Fahrenheit in the Suwanee Valley. “Because this was not necessarily a frost situation, …


Early Start for North Florida Watermelon Planting

Jim Rogers Florida, Watermelon, Weather

By Clint Thompson Ideal weather conditions meant an early start to watermelon planting for Florida producers in the Suwanee Valley area. Hopefully, it will translate to early harvests that meet the Memorial Day window. Bob Hochmuth, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Regional Specialized Extension agent in Live Oak, Florida, discusses the impact, which included some …

Cold Weekend Helps with Pest Control

Jim Rogers Florida, Pests, Weather

By Clint Thompson Sub-freezing temperatures this past weekend impacted specialty crop production across the Southeast. But they also helped producers with managing the pest populations, specifically whiteflies. Bob Hochmuth, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Regional Specialized Extension agent in Live Oak, Florida, discusses the significance that the cold temperatures had on the pest. “This is …

Florida Watermelon Growers Gathered for Educational Day

Kelsey Fry Top Posts, Watermelon

The 2016 Suwannee Valley Watermelon Institute took place on December 8 at the Straughn Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension Professional Development Center at the University of Florida. Over 150 growers and vendors gathered to attend sessions that addressed issues and provided updates within the Florida watermelon industry. Bob Hochmuth, University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) …

UF/IFAS Extension Team Wins National Award for Water Sustainability Program

Kelsey Fry Research

The National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA) has recognized Mace Bauer, agriculture agent with University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension Columbia County, for excellence in sustainability education aimed at young, beginning or small-scale producers. Bauer and a team of UF/IFAS Extension faculty received this national award, sponsored by Farm Credit, for the annual Drip Irrigation …