Seed Selection Considerations

Ashley Robinson Organic, Seeds, VSCNews magazine

By Tiffany Bailey and Ida Vandamme Choosing vegetable varieties is probably the most important decision a grower can make and can be the difference between a crop failure or success. On our farm, we consider seed selection one of the most powerful and efficient tools as part of the cultural controls in an integrated pest management program. It takes no …

Update: How to Report Unsolicited Seeds

Clint Thompson Florida, Seeds, Top Posts

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumers Services (FDACS) has an updated website to help the state’s residents know how to proceed if they receive unsolicited seeds in the mail. Those who do receive seeds, please click here. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services(FDACS) is warning Floridians about unsolicited packages of seeds received through the mail. The seed packets may …

Alabama Extension Offices Serving as Drop-Off Points for Mystery Seed Packages

Clint Thompson Alabama, Seeds, Top Posts

MONTGOMERY, Ala. – The Alabama Cooperative Extension System is partnering with the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries (ADAI) to assist in collecting unsolicited seed packages being sent to Alabama residents from China. The packages often indicate that they contain jewelry rather than seeds. ADAI field inspectors are currently collecting these seed packages to test their contents for unknown compounds, …

Technology to Grow Better Cucurbits

Karla Arboleda Cucurbits, Florida, Seeds, Top Posts

By Karla Arboleda With a wide variety of options to choose from,  researchers are working with technology in order to grow better cucurbits. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS), marker assisted selection and genomic selection have been used to improve specialty crops like squash, pumpkins and watermelons. Geoffrey Meru, an assistant professor in vegetable breeding at the University of Florida Tropical Research …

Breeding Better Soybeans for the Southeast

Karla Arboleda Research, Seeds, South Carolina, Top Posts

By Karla Arboleda In the deep Southeast, researchers are breeding better, drought-tolerant and protein-rich soybeans so growers can continue to market high-quality crops. Ben Fallen, a soybean breeder and assistant professor at Clemson University, works to develop varieties of soybeans that will grow with less complications. His program screens breeding lines to find favorable soybean characteristics. “We’re looking at two …


Enza Zaden Field Day Features Watermelons and More

Dan Cooper Florida, Fruit, Produce, Seeds, Tomatoes, Top Posts, Vegetables, Watermelon

Growers and seed distributors had a field day Tuesday at the Enza Zaden seed breeding and field trials facility near Myakka City, Florida. The main attraction was the watermelon trials that include new varieties being tested and introduced into the market. Other trials added great flavor to the day’s tour and discussions, with multiple plots for bell peppers, mature green …