Chill Hours Lacking So Far for Peach Producers

Clint Thompson Peaches

By Clint Thompson It is still early, but University of Georgia fruit disease specialist Phil Brannen is concerned about the extended warm temperatures and their impact on peach production. “The thing I am concerned about is how warm it is. The chill hours associated with peaches right now, we just have not had cool enough weather yet to deal with …

Water’s Importance to This Year’s Peach Harvest

Jim Rogers Peaches, Water, Weather

By Clint Thompson At least another month remains in this year’s peach harvest season for Georgia producers. Amid the current hot and dry weather, conditions have been ripe for minimal disease pressure. Phil Brannen, University of Georgia Extension fruit disease specialist, discusses the positive and negative impact that the prolonged drought is having on this year’s peach harvest. “For a …