Younger Generation Not Eating Enough Peaches

Kelsey Fry Fruit, Peaches, Top Posts

Peaches have always been a staple in household diets, but the younger generation is falling short of the consumption rates from past generations. The National Peach Council (NPC) is working to fix this issue. In a recent study, it was discovered that the average peach consumer is in excess of 55 years old. NPC Director Kay Rentzel spoke about the …

Rapid Cooling and Temperature Management

Abbey Taylor Berries, Leafy Vegetables, Peaches, Top Posts

Steven Sargent, a postharvest specialist and professor at the University of Florida, recently spoke on the importance of rapid cooling of leafy vegetables, such as lettuce and basil, after harvest. He also discussed his research on temperature management of Florida blueberries and peaches. Sargent discussed two methods of rapid cooling in order to quickly prepare a crop to be sold. …

Water Regulations Affecting the Peach Industry

Abbey Taylor Peaches, Top Posts, Water

Water issues in agriculture challenge even the smallest of farming operations, and the peach industry is no exception. Kay Rentzel, director of the National Peach Council, spoke on how different parts of the nation’s peach industry are suffering from various aspects of water regulations. “It just depends on which side of the country you are on,” said Rentzel. “In some …

Labor Tops Peach Industry Issues

Kelsey Fry Labor, Peaches, Top Posts

At the 2017 Southeast Regional Fruit and Vegetable Conference, Kay Rentzel, managing director for the National Peach Council, addressed the regulatory issues facing the peach industry. The frontrunner was labor. She explained the importance of labor in the peach industry and the legal struggle to have guest workers present in the field. “Labor is critical to all of us in …