peaches fruits hanging on a tree

Disaster Declaration Key for Georgia Peach Producers

Jim Rogers Georgia

By Clint Thompson A natural disaster declaration for 18 Georgia counties by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is vital assistance for peach producers impacted by the mid-March freeze. Chris Butts, executive vice president of the Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association, discussed how important this declaration is for his growers who suffered near 100% loss. “What the declaration does …

Produce Food Safety Services Responds to FDA Investigations

Jim Rogers Georgia

LaGrange, Georgia — Recently issued reports from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) failed to identify sources of pathogen-related foodborne illness outbreaks, yet the investigative methodology and report conclusions yield important information for growers and packers. In a report titled “Factors Potentially Contributing to the Contamination of Cantaloupe…”, the FDA published 10 recommendation and requirements for growers of melons and …

GFVGA Expresses Concerns, Goals During Recent Legislative Visit

Jim Rogers Uncategorized

By Clint Thompson The Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association (GFVGA) continues to prioritize its farmers and promote an even playing field when discussions center on trade. Its leadership recently visited with legislative leaders and those with a vested interest in the looming Farm Bill. Chris Butts, executive vice president of the GFVGA, discussed his organization’s trip to Washington D.C. …

GFVGA Leader Encourages Farmers During Challenging Era

Jim Rogers Specialty Crops

By Clint Thompson Many factors impact specialty crop production that are beyond a farmer’s control. Weather, input costs, unfair trade; all contribute to a challenging era for producers in the Southeast. Chris Butts, executive vice president of the Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association (GFVGA), discussed the significance of producers operating at maximum efficiency during the Southeast Regional Fruit and …

GFVGA Frustrated by Ag Labor’s Lack of Inclusion in Omnibus Spending Bill

Clint Thompson Labor

The Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association (GFVGA) expressed disappointment following the news that agriculture labor reform was left out of the Omnibus spending package being finalized in Congress. Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO) introduced the Affordable Secure Food Act last week. It was a counterpart to the Farm Worker Modernization Act that was passed by the House in 2021. The …

Main Concern for Georgia’s Specialty Crop Producers: Increasing Imports

Jim Rogers Exports/Imports, Georgia, Specialty Crops

By Clint Thompson High input costs. Supply availability. Weather unpredictability. All are challenges that Georgia’s specialty crop producers are facing this year. But the main concern remains market pricing, or lack thereof. Growers are still being haunted by imports and their impact on producers being able to make a profit, said Chris Butts, executive vice president of the Georgia Fruit …

Specialty Crop Producer: Our Guys Need to Make Money

Jim Rogers Agri-business, Specialty Crops

By Clint Thompson The 2022 season could be a pivotal year for specialty crop farmers. A production season that began with input costs spiking to unforeseen levels needs to end with growers pocketing some money, says Drew Echols, owner of Jaemor Farms and president of the Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association. “I think this season is a crucial season …

#EveryBiteCounts: New Marketing Campaign Highlights Domestically Grown Produce

Jim Rogers Industry News Release, Produce

By Clint Thompson The Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association’s new consumer-focused social media marketing campaign, #EveryBiteCounts, continues the organization’s effort to educate consumers about the importance of supporting local farmers. With the hashtag #EveryBiteCounts, the goal is to educate consumers about the impact of purchasing in-season domestically grown fruits and vegetables, says Chris Butts, executive vice president of the …