Georgia Department of Ag Hosts Produce Safety Training

Josh McGill Food Safety

produce safetyThe Georgia Department of Agriculture held its first Produce Safety Alliance grower training on May 31 in Tifton. Maggie Hart, training and outreach coordinator for the produce safety team at the Georgia Department of Agriculture, says she received a great response to the training.

The training is a requirement of the new Produce Safety Rule. It requires someone in a management position at the farm to attend and complete the training to get a certificate and comply with the rule. The training discusses the importance of worker health and hygiene, the effect of wildlife and domesticated animals on the grower’s produce, how soil amendments and water could negatively affect the produce and how to prevent problems from arising.

Hart says due to the large number of produce growers in Georgia, the agriculture department is making plans for additional training dates. As those trainings are scheduled, she will work to get the word out to Georgia growers.

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Abbey Taylor

Editor of VSCNews magazine and farm broadcaster