Shade Nets Show Benefits for Peppers

Ashley Robinson Organic, Vegetables, VSCNews magazine

By Juan Carlos Díaz Pérez Vegetable growers know well about the importance of light to plants. Light is necessary for the process of photosynthesis through which plants convert light energy into chemical energy (sugars) needed for plant growth and development. LIGHT AND HEAT Light is electromagnetic radiation that comes from the sun. The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that can …

Regenerative Agriculture on the Rise

Ashley Robinson Organic, VSCNews magazine

By Sarah Bostick Regenerative agriculture is fast becoming a buzz phrase in America. You may have heard about it on the news, in feature films or in farmer forums online. You may have seen the words “regeneratively grown” on a box of mac and cheese, a tub of yogurt, a container of oatmeal or even a case of beer.   …

Choosing Cover Crops for Nematode Management

Ashley Robinson Organic, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

By Johan Desaeger Cover crops are one of the more practical options for nematode management as their use is already common practice for many growers. The subtropical climate in Florida and the southeastern United States allows growers to plant crops year-round, and cover crops have been an important component of Florida’s agro-ecosystems since its early days of agriculture. Until the …

Seed Selection Considerations

Ashley Robinson Organic, Seeds, VSCNews magazine

By Tiffany Bailey and Ida Vandamme Choosing vegetable varieties is probably the most important decision a grower can make and can be the difference between a crop failure or success. On our farm, we consider seed selection one of the most powerful and efficient tools as part of the cultural controls in an integrated pest management program. It takes no …

UGA Researching Organic Onion Fertilizers

Clint Thompson Georgia, Onion, Organic, Top Posts

Organic onion production in Georgia is nothing new. But the data is lacking for farmers who are trying to expand and be more efficient in their operations. That is why Tim Coolong, associate professor in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, is studying organic onion production. “Onions have been grown conventionally for decades. That system, I feel like …

organic certification

Organic Produce Members Team Up in Organic Trade Association’s Produce Council

Clint Thompson Organic, Top Posts

WASHINGTON, D.C. (November 16, 2020) – The American organic produce sector is big and complex. It accounts for more sales than any other organic sector, and its production regions stretch across the United States reaping a dizzying array of fruits and vegetables. The issues facing organic produce growers, processors and distributors are equally wide-ranging: food safety, labor issues, labeling/packaging issues and …

Mulch Improves Water Conservation in Vegetable Production

Ashley Robinson Organic, Top Posts, Vegetables, VSCNews magazine, Water

By Juan Carlos Díaz-Pérez For centuries, horticulturists have modified the crop microenvironment to extend the production season and enhance crop growth, yield and quality. Some of the techniques to achieve environmental modification include the use of mulches, high tunnels, greenhouses, etc. Mulches are widely used in both conventional and organic vegetable production. According to Wikipedia, “a mulch is a layer …

UGA Researcher Part of Grant Studying Efficacy of Essential Oils in Organic Fruit Production

Clint Thompson Berries, Florida, Georgia, Organic, Top Posts

Organic agricultural production is increasing in Georgia. Jonathan Oliver, University of Georgia (UGA) assistant professor and small fruits pathologist, wants to help producers be more efficient by researching ways to protect organic blueberries from diseases. According to UGA Extension, the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture awarded a $2 million grant to the team of 15 …