Sneak Peek: April VSCNews Magazine

Abbey Taylor Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Sneak peek, Top Posts

The April issue of VSCNews magazine is packed with information for conventional and organic growers.

Readers will learn about pest management methods and ongoing challenges faced by an organic commodity in Georgia in next month’s issue. An article by researchers with the University of Georgia and the U.S. Department of Agriculture — Bhabesh Dutta, Carroll Johnson and Jason Schmidt — discusses difficulties that organic Vidalia onion growers face. Some of these issues include weed and pest management.

Controlling pests in an organic production system can pose many complications due to the fact organic growers have less tools in their pest management tool box. However, Danielle Treadwell, an associate professor at the University of Florida, and one of her students are working to add another tool. In their article, they explain how using a paper bag can protect organic peaches from pests while improving fruit quality.

Using beneficial insects can also help organic growers fight pests. VSCNews Associate Editor Abbey Taylor explores the benefits of beneficials with Alabama Cooperative Extension Agent Ayanava Majumdar.

Pollination is another topic in the April issue. Blueberry growers will get strategies to attract bees to their fields and gain a better understanding of how pollinators impact their crops.

Readers can also learn how to turn field losses into profits. According to new research from North Carolina State University, growers may want to reconsider heading to the garbage can at the end of a harvest.

Lastly, readers will find a watermelon spotlight in the April issue. Articles offer management methods for nematodes and fusarium wilt in watermelon.

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About the Author

Abbey Taylor

Editor of VSCNews magazine and farm broadcaster

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